About Kristin
I started Discovering Rhythms a long time ago, when I realized that if I was going to call myself a writer, I should probably let people read what I wrote.
But if no one read my words again, I would still write them. Why?
It's my own personal battle against the darkness.
I'm in the middle of a fight for my life, and I know you are, too. The darkness within, the darkness without, the darkness that creeps through the cracks and masquerades as light—we have a formidable foe.
But I have in me the Light of the World, and the darkness has not understood it. I'm still fighting the battle, but victory is secure. So I write. Because in writing I remember that the Light in me is greater than the darkness that threatens. And I must reflect back to Him the light He has given me.
Do you know Him? His light is for you, too.